PCB Cleanup

Document Library

Litigation Documents

Sierra Club, CELP vs ECY, Spokane County.  Sierra Club & CELP Pre-Hearing Brief.  March 18, 2013.

Sierra Club, CELP vs EPA.  Declaration of Brian Crossley in support of Spokane Tribe of Indians’ motion to intervene as plaintiff.  January 31, 2013.

    Exhibit 1   Map of current Spokane Tribal Reservation and ancestral territory.

    Exhibit 2   Spokane Tribe letter to EPA expressing concern about adding a new discharger and no numeric limits for PCBs.  May 27, 2011.

    Exhibit 3   Spokane Tribe letter to ECY (copy to EPA) conveying the Tribe would not sign the MOA for the Regional Toxics Task Force.  February 21, 2012.

    Exhibit 4   EPA letter stating that the Toxics Task Force was not enforceable under the Clean Water Act. March 29, 2012.

    Exhibit 5   Spokane Tribe letter to ECY (copy to EPA) conveying the Tribe would no longer participate in the Toxics Task Force because of concerns.  May 21, 2012.

    Exhibit 6   Spokane Tribe letter to EPA requesting TMDLs on PCBs, Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature for Tribal waters.  May 18, 2012

    Exhibit 7   Spokane Tribal Resolution seeking intervention in Sierra Club et al vs. Environmental Protection Agency et al.  January 15, 2013.

    Exhibit 8   EPA letter to Spokane Tribe re: NPDES permits.  June 17, 2011.

Pollution Control Hearings Board.  Order Granting Partial Summary Judgment.  January 8, 2013.

Department of Ecology, Spokane County.  Opposing hearing location in Spokane.  November 29, 2013.

Sierra Club and Center for Environmental Law & Policy.  Request for hearing location in Spokane.  November 27, 2013.

Sierra Club, CELP vs ECY, Spokane County.  Expert Summary of Peter DeFur.  August 3, 2012.

Sierra Club, CELP vs ECY, Spokane County.  Notice of Appeal, Pollution Control Hearings Board.  December 28, 2011.

Sierra Club, CELP vs EPA.  Complaint.  October 21, 2011.

Sierra Club, CELP vs EPA.  Notice of Intent to Sue under the Clean Water Act concerning Spokane River PCB TMDL.  July 18, 2011

Sierra Club, PCBs

Sierra Club.  Request that Washington State Auditor’s Office investigate the Washington Dept. of Ecology.  December 1, 2011

Sierra Club.  Request that the Office of the Inspector General investigate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  December 1, 2011

Sierra Club.  Initial Comments on the Spokane River PCB Cleanup Study.  June 2006

Sierra Club.  Comment letter to WA Dep't of Ecology regarding Upriver Dam PCB Cleanup Site.  May 5, 2005

Sierra Club.  Comment letter on Proposed Agreed Order for Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for Kaiser Trentwood Site. 2005

Spokane River: America’s 6th most endangered river. 2004

Paschal Osborn, Rachael PCBs contaminate Spokane River:  we’re Number One, and that’s not a good thing.  2003

Rauber, Paul.  “Fishing for Life: Thousands of Americans face the choice of eating contaminated fish or not eating at all.”   Sierra Magazine.  2001.

Spokane Tribe of Indians, PCBs

Spokane Tribe of Indians.  Resolution approving intervention in Sierra Club, et al, V. Environmental Protection Agency, et al.  January 15, 2013.

Spokane Tribe of Indians.  Surface Water Quality Standards.  2010.

Spokane County Sewage Treatment Facility

Spokane County.  2010 Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment.  2010.  Starting on pdf page 66 (Section A9) is discussion of how the County plans to grow and increase sewage conveyance to both the County and the City Plants.  

Human Health, PCBs - General

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, CDC.  Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCBs. (webpage)

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, CDC.  Public Health Implications of Exposure to Polycholrinated Biphenyls (PCBs)  (webpage)

Human Health, PCBs - Spokane River

WA Dept of Health, Dep’t of Ecology.  Health Advisory for Spokane River Fish Consumption.  2009.

WA Dept of Health.  Spokane River Safe Fish Eating Guide.  2009.

WA Dept of Health.  Fish consumption advisories updated for Lake Roosevelt and Spokane River (news release).  2008.

WA Dep’t of Health, ATSDR.  Evaluation of PCBs, PBDEs and Selected Metals in the Spokane River, Including Long Lake Spokane, Washington.  2007.

Water Quality, PCBs - General

WA Dep't of Ecology. Surface Water Quality Standards (webpage)

WA Dep't of Ecology.  State’s 303(d) List (webpage)

WA Dept of Ecology.  Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program:  Trend Monitoring for Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, PAHs, and PBDEs in Washington Rivers and Lakes, 2008.  April 2010.  Publication No. 10-03-027.  (For Spokane River, see especially pp. 31, 46, 55)

Water Quality, PCBs - Spokane River

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Webpage on Spokane River Area:  PCBs.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  PCB Source Assessment Study (draft PCB TMDL)  2011.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Spokane River Toxics Reduction Strategy.  2011, revised 2012.

Spokane Tribe of Indians.  Surface Water Quality Standards.  2010.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Spokane River PCB TMDL Stormwater Loading Analysis:  Final Technical Report.  2007.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Spokane River PCBs Total Maximum Daily Load, Water Quality Improvement Report (draft).  2006   Table 34.  PCB Load Allocations and Load Reductions Required to Meet Spokane Tribe Water Criterion (3.37 pg/l) at Little Falls and Spokane Arm.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Quality Assurance Project Plan:  Total Maximum Daily Load Study for PCBs in the Spokane River.  2003.

USGS. Ecological Indicators of Water Quality in the Spokane River, Idaho and Washington, 1998 and 1999. 2003

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Spokane Area Point Source PCB Survey, May 2001. 2002

WA Dep't of Ecology.  An Ecological Hazard Assessment for PCBs in the Spokane River. 2001

WA Dep't of Ecology.  Reconnaissance Survey of Metals, Semivolatiles and PCBs in Sediment Deposits Behind Upriver Dam, Spokane River.   2000

Koroma, Daniel B.  "Community Impact Award:  Andrew Rypien Field, Spokane, Washington"  (A PCB cleanup success story - undated)

Fish, Fish Consumption PCBs - Spokane River

WA Dept of Health, Dep’t of Ecology.  Health Advisory for Spokane River Fish Consumption.  2009.

WA Dept of Health.  Spokane River Safe Fish Eating Guide.  2009.

WA Dept of Health.  Fish consumption advisories updated for Lake Roosevelt and Spokane River (news release).  2008.

Robinson Research, Center for Justice.  Spokane River Toxins Survey.  2007.

WA Dep't of Ecology.  PCBs, PBDEs, and Selected Metals in Spokane River Fish, 2005.  2006.

Spokane Regional Health District.  1998 Fish Consumption Survey

The Lands Council.  Spokane River Fish Consumption Survey Data.  undated.

Washington Department of Health.  Spokane River Fish Consumption Advisory, Talking Points   2001

Fish Consumption PCBs - general

WA Dep’t of Ecology.  Fish Consumption Technical Report. 2013.

WA Dep’t of Ecology.   Rule-making starts to adopt new fish-consumption standards (news release) Sept 21, 2012.

USGS.  PCBs in the Tissue of Fish from the Spokane River, Washington, 1999.  2001

Wildlife, PCBs

USGS.  Effects of Dioxins, Furans, and PCBs on Nesting Success of Osprey along the Columbia River System, Puget Sound, Yakima River, and Willamette River, undated